
Two jobs completed

The Formula One Grand Prix is on TV right at this moment and I'm not a fan, so while the men in the family are watching that, I've been able to make progress with my ad for the magazine. I finished it - hurrah!! Here it is:

Yesterday I managed to complete the Waterlily painting and I've printed it onto some blank greetings cards today. I'm really pleased with the finished result. I've set up my little 'scenes' for the photos, and here's one of the card and the cross stitch cushion together.

Some time ago I had stitched another waterlily design so I may put a card pack together with 4 waterlily designs, each one slightly different.
I've been way too busy today - and it's a Sunday to boot! I need to go and have a nice cup of tea and a biscuit or three now! There should be a James Bond film along in an hour so I can put my feet up and enjoy it guilt-free.

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